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Login to the SHAREOK test site using your OUNetID (4x4) and associated password. If this is your first time logging on to the SHAREOK test site, please see these instructions before proceeding.

Once you’ve logged in, select the user icon on the upper right hand corner of the screen (where login appeared in the previous step. Then choose MyDSpace.

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When you navigate to your MyDSpace page, by default the system displays a Your submissions page, which looks like this. (NOTE: You may not have any items on this page if you have never submitted anything to SHAREOK directly.)

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In order to review thesis or dissertation submissions, you will need this page to show your Workflow tasks. To do this, select the Show dropdown menu from the left-hand navigation options and select Workflow tasks.

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Your Workflow tasks page should now be displayed.

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Next, you may want to adjust some of the filtering and setting options on the left-hand menu to display the items you need to work on in a more logical order. Please note that these settings are still in development, so not all of them will work as you may expect. We recommend using the following:

Under the Settings menu select the Sort By drop down menu and select Date Issued Descending. This will order the submissions in your workflow tasks from newest to oldest.

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Using the Filters options you can view only items you have claimed OR only items that have not been claimed. To do this, select the Status menu beneath the Filters heading. 

  • To view only the items you have claimed, select Validation

  • To view only the items that have not been claimed, select Waiting for Controller

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Unclaimed items in your workflow tasks will appear like this:

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IMPORTANT NOTE: the “submitter” label displayed in this view is still under development. In order to determine who submitted this record, look for the first name displayed after the date, directly beneath the item title. 

Select Claim to assign the task to yourself (this will remove the task from the pool and add it to your workflow) or View to view the submission’s metadata without claiming the item.

Once a task is claimed, you will be shown the following options:

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Approve will approve the submission.

Reject will reject the submission and allow you to send a message to the submitter.

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Edit will allow you to edit the submission metadata and associated files directly from the submission form.

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To save changes but remain in the form, select the Save button. To save changes and leave the form, select Save for later.

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Return to pool will return the item back to the general submission pool, allowing it to be claimed by other approvers.

View will allow you to view the item metadata.

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