There are a few customizations to code used on the libraries site. This doc will detail where the code is located as well as what it interacts with. It also contains some information about some rewrites in views fields that affect the display of content. This doc will NOT include template overrides (twig files). That is detailed in this document:
Table of Contents | ||
The subtheme is the custom theme that is based on the drupal bootstrap barrio theme. This theme is based on bootstrap 5. These various files are managed as libraries in the ou_lib_subtheme.libraries.yml file - web/themes/custom/ou_lib_subtheme/ou_lib_subtheme.libraries.yml. In that file, the “global-styling” library is used for the entire site and the “front-js” library is used only on the homepage for the search box.
global.js - web/themes/custom/ou_lib_subtheme/js/global.js
Main js file for any additional functionality needed on the site.
More detailed breakdown later in this docContents: Once the page has loaded, the event listener for the search form is added using the “
" class as the target. Then, based on what tab the user is on, the correct URL is formatted with the search term added. If going to site search, the window opens in the same tab. If going to any of the other external sites to search, the site is opened in a new tab. Also added a bit of code to set the active status correctly on normal screens for accessibility and visual improvements.
front.js - web/themes/custom/ou_lib_subtheme/js/front.js
The js needed for the search box on the homepage
Contents in order of appearance in file:
Attached Drupal behaviors to the subtheme so they can be used.
When a status message is shown like “cache cleared” or even errors on dev/test, it is hidden after 15 sec. Requested in the past by admins to remove the status messages after a bit
If room type is changed in reserve a room, we need to redirect to a specific view for that type
Bizzell hrs are called on every page, so we call
Code Block callAPIhrs(18764, 1);
function is used to set the active tab in the nav. Since it was already retrieving the current page, additional logic was added to the function for hrs of individual pagesInside function we check for various pages like /hours, if /locations is in the url, and /units and call the hrs function accordingly.
Profile page - hide contact title if user is not employee
Request to hide a couple subjects from the dropdown in the eresources view
function breaks down individual locations and ties it in with the correct libcal hours id. Long switch statement to handle this.getHrsUnits
does the same as above but for units. Many fall under the 8-5 hrs group.callAPIhrs
contains the ajax to libcal to get hrs. All prev logic handles what location it needs. the second param is if the location is bizzell or not for additional logic for the main hrs in the banner.updateHrsClasses
contains some cleanup of styling issues from the hrs widgetremove empty view text from search block
Clear button on eresources redirects to /eresources so it can clear the A-Z filter if it was used.
Fonts are loaded via the “adobe-fonts” library. In Adobe font manager, the fonts needed were chosen, then added to a project and referred to in this library. The current adobe fonts link is
libcal-events.js - web/modules/custom/libcal_events/js/libcal-events.js
Main js for events.
Contents in order of appearance in file:
Page is loaded and drupal behaviors are attached.
If page is home page or news page, call events api
Events api ajax calls the controller in the module and processes and formats the data to be added to the page.
Hide the .book animation when successful.
LibcalEventsGetEventsController.php - web/modules/custom/libcal_events/src/Controller/LibcalEventsGetEventsController.php
Main controller for making the api call and interacting with the ajax call from the js file.
More detailed breakdown later in this docContents in order of appearance in file:
Gets secrets from terminus. Secrets were used so they were not listed anywhere. These can be managed in the following way:
Set key
Code Block terminus secrets:set site.env key value
Delete Key
Code Block terminus secrets:delete site.env key
Show value of key
Code Block terminus secrets:show site.env key
Show keys available
Code Block terminus secrets:list site.env
Set up and call curl req to AWS managed events api. Return to the ajax. Documentation here:
View rewrites
Some of the view fields required the need to rewrite the results of that field to provide a certain format to the display. This is a breakdown of those rewrites and where they are
Content: URL
Need to fix format of the field_database___uri. This is the URL that the eresource links to and there were some formatting and character issues with this until the following rewrite was added. This fixed version of the URL (field_database_) is what is used in the two rewrites after that are detailed below.
{{ field_database___uri|render|striptags|trim|replace({'&': '&'}) }}
Content: Title
Check if the proxy checkbox was active, if so, add the proxy url to the field_database_ URL. That conditional is used in the rewrite section for this field since the title is what the user clicks on to go to the eresource.
Code Block {% if field_proxy|trim == 1 %} <a class="panel-title" role="button" href="{{ field_database_ }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ title }}</a> {% else %} <a class="panel-title" role="button" href="{{ field_database_ }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ title }}</a> {% endif %}
permalink_url (Permalink)
This is similar to the Content: Title overwrite. Since we write the permalink out in the eresource listing, we need to add the proxy here as well.
Code Block {% if field_proxy|trim == 1 %}{{ field_database_ }} {% else %} {{ field_database_ }} {% endif %}
My Databases & E-references
Content: URL
Need to fix format of the field_database___uri. This is the URL that the eresource links to and there were some formatting and character issues with this until the following rewrite was added. This fixed version of the URL (field_database_) is what is used in the two rewrites after that are detailed below.
{{ field_database___uri|render|striptags|trim|replace({'&': '&'}) }}
Content: Title
Check if the proxy checkbox was active, if so, add the proxy url to the field_database_ URL. That conditional is used in the rewrite section for this field since the title is what the user clicks on to go to the eresource.
Code Block {% if field_proxy|trim == 1 %} <a class="panel-title" role="button" href="{{ field_database_ }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ title }}</a> {% else %} <a class="panel-title" role="button" href="{{ field_database_ }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ title }}</a> {% endif %}
My Favorites (Recent) on Homepage
Content: URL
Need to fix format of the field_database___uri. This is the URL that the eresource links to and there were some formatting and character issues with this until the following rewrite was added. This fixed version of the URL (field_database_) is what is used in the two rewrites after that are detailed below.
{{ field_database___uri|render|striptags|trim|replace({'&': '&'}) }}
Content: Title
Check if the proxy checkbox was active, if so, add the proxy url to the field_database_ URL. That conditional is used in the rewrite section for this field since the title is what the user clicks on to go to the eresource.
Code Block {% if field_proxy|trim == 1 %} <a class="panel-title" role="button" href="{{ field_database_ }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ title }}</a> {% else %} <a class="panel-title" role="button" href="{{ field_database_ }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{ title }}</a> {% endif %}
Research consultations
User: Appointment Link
Make link an appointment button
Code Block <a href="{{ field_appointment_link__uri }}" class="btn btn-primary schedule_link">Schedule</a>
Reserve a room breakdown into individual views
The following 4 views have the same overwrite for the final field. It takes all prev fields that are hidden and adds them to the display.
Undergraduate Rooms:
Graduate Rooms:
Faculty Rooms:
Staff Rooms:
Content: Image
Code Block <div class="row room-res-view-rows"> <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3 hidden-xs room-res-img"> {{ field_image_media }} </div> <div class="room_res_name_text col-md-7 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div>{{ title }}</div> <div>Location: {{ field_location_reference }}</div> <div>Occupancy: {{ field_occupancy }}</div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12"> <a class="btn btn-info room-res-button" href="{{ field_reservation_link }}" target="_blank">Reserve Room</a> </div> </div>
Employee Directory
User: Link to User (Profile)
Code Block <a href="{{ view_user_1 }}">Go to {{ field_first_name_1 }}'s profile<a>