Versions Compared


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Major Changes

There are several significant changes with the workflow and the submission form with this upgrade. Here is a summary of the most noticeable differences you can expect to see:

The Submission Form

  • The submission form in the updated site is one page, as opposed to the multiple pages as it was previously.

  • Uploading the document is now the first step of the submission process.

  • Embargoes are applied from a new menu within the submission form rather than appearing as a default option during the upload process. Please note that this workflow is currently under development by OU Libraries and we will share updated workflows and documentation as soon as they are available.

  • Rather than have a dual-function Subject Category field, there is now a new, separate Keywords field that allows submitters to type in the keyword terms of or phrases of their choice. There is also a new Library of Congress Subject field (previously a dropdown menu in the same field) that is meant for internal use only.

  • The Creative Commons License Chooser has been temporarily removed from the form. This is in order to facilitate time necessary for ongoing discussions and work taking place to provide better copyright guidance to graduate students as well as continued development work required for the functionality of the tool.


  • Submissions and workflow tasks displays have changed and now are displayed on separate pages in a central workflow hub called MyDSpace.

  • New labeling now appears on items within the repository. Please note that these labels are currently under development by OU Libraries.


To log in to the SHAREOK test site click the Log In link located at the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Enter your OUNetID (4x4) and associated password and select the Log in button. DO NOT select Log in with ORCID.



Labels are a new feature with this upgrade. OU Libraries continues will continue to develop these labels both before and after the new site launches.



The Submitter label displayed in this view is currently under development to ensure that it displays the submitter’s name.


An embargoed item will appear with the following tag, which displays that the date that the embargo will be lifted.


If access to the native file must be restricted, ensure that the radio button has been selected.


Embargoes are accessed and applied by using the edit icon associated with the item document within the submission form.


Embargoes are applied via the Access condition type Embargo dropdown menu.

