Site Name & URL | UL Maintainer | Degree of Branding | Other Notes | ||||||
SaraWorldCat Local (OCLC) | Fred | header includes UL logo | two locations in the header (top left and right) | WorldCat Local | Fred | header includes UL logo | ProQuest | Saraupdated 3/11/2014 (logo present) | |
Articles First (OCLC) | William/Sara | Header includes UL Logo | updated 3/11/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Alexander Street Press Avon platform | Sara/William | header includes UL logo | updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
MathSciNet | Sara/William | article linker is the OU logo | updated 3/11/2024 (logo presnet) | ||||||
Alexander Street PressEbsco | William/Sara | article link has OU logo top left header includes logo top right header includes UL logo | MathSciNet | SaraODL logo center screen of basic serach incudes logo | updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||
ProQuest | Sara/William | article linker is the OU logo | Ebsco | William | article link has OU logoupdated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||
Proquest History Vault https://hv-proquest-com.ezproxy.lib.ou.edu/historyvault/hv.jsp?pageid=browse&mid=7410#7410 | William/Sara | Footer includes UL Logo | update 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Proquest | William/Sara | Header includes UL Logo Footer includes UL Logo | Update 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Alexander Street Press | William/Sara | Footer includes UL LogoLink from A-Z left side header includes UL logo | “Alexander Street Press” Center botton bottom of screenProquest History Vault updated 3/8/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Academic Video Online (Alexander Street) https://hvvideo-proquestalexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.lib.ou.edu/historyvault/hv.jsp?pageid=browse&mid=7410#7410 | William | Footer includes UL Logo | Link from A-Z “American Indians and the American West (History Vault)” | American National Biographychannel/academic-video-online | William/Sara | Header includes UL Logo | updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||
Oxford | William/Sara | Sign-in link includes OU Logo Footer includes UL logo | updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Oxford Reference https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780195313734.001.0001/acref-9780195313734 | William/Sara | Footer includes UL Logo | Only footer on Oxford Reference updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Oxford History of Western Music (Oxford) | William/Sara | Footer includes UL Logo | emailed 3/8/2024 follow-up email 3/12/2024 follow-up email 3/27/2024 | ||||||
Biosis Previews | William/Sara | Footer includes UL Logo | Web of Science updated 3/12/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Biosis Previews | William/Sara | Article Linker includes OU Logo | Web of Science updated 3/18/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Compendex Web | William/Sara | Article Linker includes OU Logo | Elsevier (Engineering Village) updated 3/12/2024(logo present) | ||||||
Comprehensive Chemometrics (ScienceDirect) https://www.sciencedirect.com/referencework/9780444527011/comprehensive-chemometrics | William/Sara | Header includes UL Logo | Elsevier (Science Direct) updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Congress and the Courts (HeinOnline) | (Law Library) | Header includes UL Logo | There is a reference to “libraries.ou.edu” so this may be a UL logo branding (Law library) emailed 3/18/24 | ||||||
Sage Knowledge https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/encyclopedia-of-community-policing-and-problem-solving | William/Sara | Header includes UL Logo | updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Wiley Digital Archive | William/Sara | Header includes UL Logo | Environmental Science and History updated 3/7/2024 (logo present) | ||||||
Abstracts in Anthropology (Sage Journals) | William | Header includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
African History and Culture Imprints from the LCP, 1540-1921 (Newsbank) | William | Header includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
American Founding Era Collection (Rotunda) | William | Footer includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
American Indian Religious Traditions: An Encyclopedia (Proquest ebook Central) https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ou/detail.action?docID=266806 | William | Header includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
BioOne | William | Footer (popup) includes UL Logo | (As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
IEEE Xplore (IEEE) | William | Header includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
Ingenta Connect | William | Header includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
IsisCB Explore | William | Footer includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) | ||||||
SPIE Digital Library | William | Footer (popup) includes UL Logo | As of 3/7/24 platform has an uploaded jpeg of our old OU logo. (logo present) |