Configuring a Fresh Installed Illiad Client
*The Web Version:
Install Illiad. The current version as of 3/19/2924 is 9.2.5.
You may be prompted to install WebIvew. Proceed with the installation.
After Illiad has been installed, press the Windows key on your keyboard and search for “SQL Alias Manager”
Click to open:
You should be prompted to this screen:
Click on “Illiad” and make sure it’s highlighted. Then, enter the Database Connection information below:
Database Name: OKUData
Connect Timeout: 15
Press the Save button on top:
Navigate and save the file as “logon” to C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad
The Username and Password should auto-populate below
Launch the Illiad Client.
You should be presented with a login screen.
If an update is found, please click on “Yes” to install the update.