On 6/17, the following was completed
"Research guides" link on homepage under "quick links" has been changed to guides.ou.edu
"Research guides" link on resources page under "tools for finding resources" has been changed to guides.ou.edu
"Research guides" link on all services pages have been changed to guides.ou.edu
Research guides favorites have been removed from home page section "My favorites (recent)". Only eresources shown here now.
Research guides favorites have been removed from my favorites page (https://libraries.ou.edu/my-favorites ). Only eresources shown here now. Text also reflects the removal of guides and only mentions databases.
If user navigates to the old guides index page (https://libraries.ou.edu/guides-index ) the site will automatically redirect to guides.ou.edu
Internal setting - The content type research guides has been removed from the ability to save as a favorite via the Drupal flag module.