Maintenance & Outages
Weekly Maintenance Windows
There is a weekly maintenance window every Monday morning between 6:00 AM and 12:00 PM
Since ILLiad weekend usage prevents downtime on Mondays, we will schedule ad hoc windows for changes that require outages
Major maintenance work will be scheduled with impacts and peak dates in mind
We will continue to follow the normal process for notifying stakeholders and customers of planned work and/or outages.
Notifications will continue as outlined here:
Communication will go out to stakeholders about changes to systems and potential for downtimes. Lead time will depend on the type of change and will be determined by the unit manager.
For major interruptions, a notification will go out in the UL newsletter and will be posted on the website
Teams performing maintenance will post regular updates in the Outages Slack channel throughout the maintenance time
Blackout Dates
Mondays that will not be included in the weekly maintenance schedule are based on the OU holidays schedule.
SHAREOK maintenance will not be done on the Mondays before the “Final Day to Submit Thesis/Dissertation to SHAREOK” date on the Academic Calendar.
Unscheduled Deployments
Most changes should be announced in advance and applied during our prearranged maintenance windows. This policy allows for low-risk and emergency changes outside of this proposed schedule.