Annual Usage Stats 2022


Searches Performed (by type)

 Search Type

 # of Searches

 Search Type

 # of Searches

 advanced search


 basic search


Operating System Used

 Operating System


 Operating System




 Chrome OS










Point of Access





E-Resources Accessed

 Resource Type

 # Accessed

 Resource Type

 # Accessed



 journals and newspapers






 visual material



Provides off-campus users with proxied access to 375 databases and thousands of e-resources. EZProxy facilitates access to over 3,500 e-resource domains.


Software used for space management in off-site storage facility, the Library Service Center (LSC.) The specific bay, aisle, shelf, and box location are tracked for each item placed in high-density storage so that it can be quickly and easily retrieved, when requested.

  • 7,180 items were ingested at the LSC, last year.

  • 427,954 item records currently being managed in Zasio.