Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes

Incomplete tasks from meetings

Decisions from meetings

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  1. Confirmed that this testing and training timeline will work for both OU Libraries and the Graduate College
  2. Confirmed the need for brown bag/workshops to ease this transition and will firm up exact dates in future meetings.
  1. Agreed that OU Libraries team will take the lead on creating this shared documentation space in Confluence and provide edit access to at least one member of the Graduate College team.
  1. Suggested edits have been added to Authority Notification Letters
  1. Agreed that the suggested text should be added to the Approval for Thesis/Dissertation Submission to SHAREOK form
  1. OU Libraries team will create a draft of a copyright and licensing checklist intended for students to share with their committee chairs to address some of these concerns earlier in the process.
  2. OU Libraries will collaborate with the Graduate College to organize a brown bag session(s) to help determine the specific copyright and licensing concerns of graduate students.

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