Ideas for the New Site
Environments/Build Process
Local Dev/Dev
- In Pantheon, we need to integrate/connect git upstream to OU Github.
- We will need the multi-dev set up with an environment for each developer and the ability to spin up new ones for specific branches of test code.
- Pantheon localdev is used for local testing environment -
- Configuration Management and Config Split are the 2 most important pieces to separating config for dev/test/prod.
- Config workflow setup in Pantheon if that is the choice -
- Devel module is needed on dev, not on test and prod. Others possible
- Google analytics not needed on dev
- Needs to be exact replica of prod. Only difference will be the current changes and testing before pushing live
- Devel and Google analytics not needed on test
- Devel not needed.
- Google analytics needed (prod only).
If Pantheon is used, there is a migration process that could help us tremendously. The instructions are here and I suggest we try this first to see how well the migration works. They can also assist in this process if we run into issues.
Another great feature of this is that we can integrate the new pantheon site into the same git repo and maintain the version/commit history.
Content Types
Migration should take care of the content types. I suggest we review the doc and details below and possibly remove the content types BEFORE migrating.
For list of content types to remove/keep/change, follow the content types doc -
Short list of content types changing:
Removing completely:
- Banner Images
- Jobs
- Location Carousel
- Panel
- Picture
- Project Prospectus
- Test
Removing but keeping content:
- Policy
- Service
- Locations
- News
- Special Collections
- Units
Modules/External Libraries
If migration works well, modules will be loaded correctly. We need to evaluate the content types being removed and figure out if any of them are tied to a specific module. If that module is only present b/c of the content type, then we can remove the module.
New modules to consider adding in regards to improvements with D8:
- ckeditor
- antibot
- backup_migrate
- config_split
- conflict
- deploy
- entity_browser
- entity_embed
- externalauth
- file_browser
- media_entity
- twig_tweak
- workbench_moderation
- workspace
- phpunit - DEV/TEST ONLY
- Accessibility checker for wysiwyg/content editors
- a11ychecker
- balloonpanel
- ckeditor
Look into this for pulling in external libraries
- If the migration works out nicely, this might take care of itself. If not, we need to evaluate views and see what needs to be added, modified, removed.
- Google analytic tracking code and click events