Alma: User Account Deactivation Plan

Alma: User Account Deactivation Plan

Alma User Accounts and Deactivation Details
(This plan has been shared with and agreed upon by Circ staff.)

External user accounts (folks in Banner) are updated nightly by a system job. The Status Date represents the last time a user was "Active" in Banner. If that Status Date isn't current, it means that the user is not current. This is not true of internal accounts that you are manually creating for all other users. This only applies to people that have Banner accounts.

The Expiration Date is also updated nightly for users that are in Banner. This is not the date used to deactivate people that have expired. This is the date that is used by Alma, to calculate due dates. It is currently 2 years out. It has to be at least one year in the future, so that current faculty can check items out for a full year. It is going to be changed to the current date +13 months.

The Purge Date is set the same as the Expiration Date for Banner users. This is not the date that expired users will be purged. I will use the Purge Date to deactivate accounts. It is going to be changed to the current date + 7 days.

I plan to do deactivations, weekly. I will be deactivating any accounts with a Purge Date that has passed. Deactivated users will not be able to check out or renew items. Deactivation will also prevent you from placing holds for them. If someone comes in or calls, claiming that they are active (Staff, Faculty, Student) but their Status Date isn't current, please get their name and 4x4 and contact me so I can investigate. It is rare, but sometimes we get bad data from Banner. That is something I can research pretty easily.

It is easy to activate an account that has been deactivated, if you need to. You should really only need to do this for internal accounts that are manually created, when someone comes in and renews their account.
OU IT is responsible for the script that sets these dates since the information comes from Banner. They have been asked to make the adjustments I mentioned above, but it won't happen immediately. I'll keep you posted.

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