Primo: New Language Configs

Alma/Primo don't recognized ISO-639-3 language codes so a complete workaround had to be done to display most of the NAL in full, rather than as "undetermined" in results list.

Mapping Tables/Code Tables
Export the contents of the Static Facets/facet_lang_values mapping table and add the additional ISO-639-3 codes/languages. Then, upload it and sync it so that values will be pushed to the appropriate code tables.
New normalization mapping table created using the same file that was used to update the Static Facets/facet_lang_values mapping table. The mapping table is called lang_nal.

Normailzation Rules:
Mimics the rules for display/language
Creates a running list of three-digit language codes
Takes the three-digit codes from lds21 and runs them against the lang_nal mapping table to give us all of the languages rather than just the ISO-639-2 languages.

Static Facet:
Because the existing Language facet will not display the new languages, this entire process will have to be recreated to mimic the existing Language static facet.
Pulls the languages from lds22 in order to display them in the new Static Facet.

Code Table changes:
Front End/Facets Code Field
changed the value of facet local7 to Language
Front End/Facet Labels
added two lines:

View updates:
Went into view and added the new Language facet to the full results tile and removed the canned version.
Note: adding new 3 digit codes to Front End/Search Languages did absolutel nothing.
I added cic and iow…not sure if it will help