UL Staff - Local Admin Account

UL Staff - Local Admin Account

The local administrator account is an admin user account that Library Tech Platforms sets on the device, hence “local”, as in it is not an account that is on the sooner.net.ou.edu domain; this account is distinct from the user’s OU 4x4 account. When a new computer is deployed to a UL staff member, the staff member sets the password for this account. Despite that the account is a local account, the password must still meet the OU IT password complexity requirements, although the account password does not need to be changed annually like OU domain accounts.

Why we use local admin accounts

The purpose of creating a local admin account is so that the device user is able to install updates and software that requires administrator credentials, or make changes to Windows Settings or Mac System Preferences.

 How to log into the the local admin account

  1. At the Windows login screen, click on “other users”

  2. Type in the local admin credentials:

    1. Windows:

      • username: .\FirstName_LastName

      • password: pw that was set when computer was deployed

    2. Mac:

      • username:FirstName_LastName

      • password: pw that was set when computer was deployed

  3. After signing in the user will be able install/update anything that is needed

 How to use the the local admin account while logged into OU 4x4 account

Sometimes the PC or Mac will prompt for administrator credentials when attempting to install updates/software or when making changes to Settings or System Preferences. When this happens the user can type in their local administrator credentials and authenticate without needing to log out of the domain account and into the local administrator account

  1. Windows:

    • username: .\FirstName_LastName

    • password: pw that was set when computer was deployed

  2. Mac:

    • username:FirstName_LastName

    • password: pw that was set when computer was deployed

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