Connecting to OU VPN using GlobalProtect for Mac
VPN for Mac
Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN client on OS X device
Download Mac32/64 Bit Global Protect Agent (see this link: Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent)
Select Allow (to Download) if prompted
Open Global Project Installer and follow the prompts
Click continue from the installer
On the destination screen, select the install folder and then click continueOn the installation Type screen select the GlobalProtect Installation package (not the Uninstall GlobalProtect) and hit continue
Click install to confirm you want to install
Enter your computer’s UserName and Password (not your OU account information, but the credentials for your computer— admin account not 4x4)
A security box will pop up “System Extension Blocked” select open security preferences
This will open your settings, click the little lock icon at the bottom left corner of the preferences screen
Enter your username and password and then click ‘allow’ to allow the Palo Alto Extension
Click the lock (to lock it) and exit system preferences
After installation close the installer
Launch GlobalProtect by clicking the GP icon in the top right corner of the task bar
Set portal address to and then hit connect
It will prompt for a username and password; enter your 4x4 and password
Select Okay to allow GlobalProtect VPN to access the Desktop Folder,
Accept the security policy by clicking the X in the top left corner
You should be prompted to accept authentication in PingID
Once complete, the VPN should say connected.
To disconnect, select the GP icon at the top of the last bat and click the three horizontal bars to bring up the menu
Click disable
Here is the IT link if you need further assistance: